Lest We Forget
This section of the site is dedicated to Air Force personnel that have served in Lincolnshire for their respective countries, but are no longer with us. It is hoped by having this section on the site we can preserve and keep alive the memories of the personnel, that paid in some cases, the ultimate price so we can enjoy the life styles we all have today.
* If you have a relative or loved one that has now passed away but served in Lincolnshire with their respective Air Force, then please contact us and we would be more than happy to add them to the list below. *

No.44 (Rodesia) Sqn
Robert Hamilton Watts was one of four brothers born to Raymond & Dorothy Watts in Adelaide, South Australia. After beginning a career in banking, he enlisted in the RAAF and was selected for pilot training. He arrived in the UK on 18th November 1942 via advanced pilot training in South Africa.
He was killed after ditching Lancaster EE184 coded KM-B off the Lincolnshire coast on return from a raid to Leipzig on October 21st 1943. He left behind his fiancee, Jean de Rose Martin in Adelaide. This tribute was compiled with assistance from Robert, Jean's son, in honour of both Robert and Jean.
To view more information and images please click here to read the whole story.

No.121 Eagle Sqn
P/O Mason was a Hurricane pilot flying out of RAF Kirton in Lindsey. He was involved in an incident on 15th September 1941 over High Toynton, which sadly cost him his life. His body was picked up by P/O John (Red) Campbell who was his best friend and fellow pilot flying also out of RAF Kirton in Lindsey.
To view more information and images please click here to read the whole story.

No.288 Squadron
A/G Mackie was one of seven children, three boys & four sisters, born to Effie (nee Vause) & Charles Mackie at Matomahoe, New Zealand. Little is known of his childhood except the family seems to have moved around. Don, like many of his generation left school at the age of 14 having had no secondary education.
In 1935 the family moved to a farm at Whitehall, some 20 minutes drive from Cambridge. An early photo, marked in Don’s handwriting, “my camp” was probably taken on this property when the land was being broken in for farming. Don’s three youngest sisters attended the Whitehall Primary School as in later years would his two daughters.
To view more information and images please click here to read the whole story.