Winterton Landing Ground History

RFC Winterton Landing Ground
(Map edited to show runways)
RFC/RAF Roundal
Airfield Code:N/AGoogle Earth Co-ordinates:
53°39'44.63"N  0°34'06.89"W
Not known
Station History

Winterton was a class 2 landing ground situated 2km ENE of Winterton Church. The LG was established for the use of No.33 (Home Defence) Squadron while operating over North Lincolnshire. Winterton opened in December 1916 and personnel from N0.33 Sqn moved in immediately, bringing with them Avro 504, Bristol Fighter and Royal Aircraft Factory FE.2. They stayed at Winterton until it was closed in June 1919.

Winterton contained two grass landing strips, one of 600 yards, and the other 400 yards. The LG covered an area of 55 acres of reclaimed farm land, which it was returned too after the LG closed. Today there is no evidence left of its former use.

Aircraft and Squadrons
December 1916Landing Ground opened.
December 1916No.33 Sqn (Detachment)No.33 Sqn left the Landing Ground in June 1919.
June 1919Landing Ground closed.